可以通过定期预测未来的框架以增强虚拟现实应用程序中的用户体验,从而解决了低计算设备上图形渲染高帧速率视频的挑战。这是通过时间视图合成(TVS)的问题来研究的,该问题的目标是预测给定上一个帧的视频的下一个帧以及上一个和下一个帧的头部姿势。在这项工作中,我们考虑了用户和对象正在移动的动态场景的电视。我们设计了一个将运动解散到用户和对象运动中的框架,以在预测下一帧的同时有效地使用可用的用户运动。我们通过隔离和估计过去框架的3D对象运动,然后推断它来预测对象的运动。我们使用多平面图像(MPI)作为场景的3D表示,并将对象运动作为MPI表示中相应点之间的3D位移建模。为了在估计运动时处理MPI中的稀疏性,我们将部分卷积和掩盖的相关层纳入了相应的点。然后将预测的对象运动与给定的用户或相机运动集成在一起,以生成下一帧。使用不合格的填充模块,我们合成由于相机和对象运动而发现的区域。我们为动态场景的电视开发了一个新的合成数据集,该数据集由800个以全高清分辨率组成的视频组成。我们通过数据集和MPI Sintel数据集上的实验表明我们的模型优于文献中的所有竞争方法。
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视频预测模型的研究被认为是对视频学习的基本方法。虽然存在用于预测过去几帧的未来帧像素值的多种生成模型,但已经发现预测帧的定量评估非常具有挑战性。在这种情况下,我们研究了预测视频的质量评估问题。我们创建了印度科学研究所预测视频质量评估(IISC PVQA)数据库,该数据库由300个视频组成,通过在不同的数据集上应用不同的预测模型,并伴随着人类观察分数。我们收集了这些视频的50名人类参与者的主观评级。我们的主观研究表明,人类观察者在预测视频的质量判断中非常一致。我们基准评估视频预测的几种普遍使用的措施,并表明它们与这些主观评分没有充分相关。我们介绍了两个新功能,以有效地捕获预测视频的质量,具有过去的帧的预测帧的深度特征的运动补偿余弦相似之处,以及从重新置于帧差异中提取的深度特征。我们表明,我们的特色设计导致了根据ISC PVQA数据库的人类判断的艺术质量预测的状态。数据库和代码在我们的项目网站上公开提供:https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2020/pvqa
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Machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing protein structural analysis, including an important subproblem of predicting protein residue contact maps, i.e., which amino-acid residues are in close spatial proximity given the amino-acid sequence of a protein. Despite recent progresses in ML-based protein contact prediction, predicting contacts with a wide range of distances (commonly classified into short-, medium- and long-range contacts) remains a challenge. Here, we propose a multiscale graph neural network (GNN) based approach taking a cue from multiscale physics simulations, in which a standard pipeline involving a recurrent neural network (RNN) is augmented with three GNNs to refine predictive capability for short-, medium- and long-range residue contacts, respectively. Test results on the ProteinNet dataset show improved accuracy for contacts of all ranges using the proposed multiscale RNN+GNN approach over the conventional approach, including the most challenging case of long-range contact prediction.
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Breaking down a document or a conversation into multiple contiguous segments based on its semantic structure is an important and challenging problem in NLP, which can assist many downstream tasks. However, current works on topic segmentation often focus on segmentation of structured texts. In this paper, we comprehensively analyze the generalization capabilities of state-of-the-art topic segmentation models on unstructured texts. We find that: (a) Current strategies of pre-training on a large corpus of structured text such as Wiki-727K do not help in transferability to unstructured texts. (b) Training from scratch with only a relatively small-sized dataset of the target unstructured domain improves the segmentation results by a significant margin.
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We present SLATE, a sequence labeling approach for extracting tasks from free-form content such as digitally handwritten (or "inked") notes on a virtual whiteboard. Our approach allows us to create a single, low-latency model to simultaneously perform sentence segmentation and classification of these sentences into task/non-task sentences. SLATE greatly outperforms a baseline two-model (sentence segmentation followed by classification model) approach, achieving a task F1 score of 84.4\%, a sentence segmentation (boundary similarity) score of 88.4% and three times lower latency compared to the baseline. Furthermore, we provide insights into tackling challenges of performing NLP on the inking domain. We release both our code and dataset for this novel task.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel concept of user-entity differential privacy (UeDP) to provide formal privacy protection simultaneously to both sensitive entities in textual data and data owners in learning natural language models (NLMs). To preserve UeDP, we developed a novel algorithm, called UeDP-Alg, optimizing the trade-off between privacy loss and model utility with a tight sensitivity bound derived from seamlessly combining user and sensitive entity sampling processes. An extensive theoretical analysis and evaluation show that our UeDP-Alg outperforms baseline approaches in model utility under the same privacy budget consumption on several NLM tasks, using benchmark datasets.
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道路建设项目维护运输基础设施。这些项目的范围从短期(例如,重新铺面或固定坑洼)到长期(例如,添加肩膀或建造桥梁)。传统上,确定下一个建设项目是什么以及安排什么何时进行安排,这是通过人类使用特殊设备的检查来完成的。这种方法是昂贵且难以扩展的。另一种选择是使用计算方法来整合和分析多种过去和现在的时空数据以预测未来道路构建的位置和时间。本文报告了这种方法,该方法使用基于深神经网络的模型来预测未来的结构。我们的模型在由构造,天气,地图和道路网络数据组成的异质数据集上应用卷积和经常性组件。我们还报告了如何通过构建一个名为“美国建设”的大型数据集来解决我们如何解决足够的公开数据,其中包括620万个道路构造案例,并通过各种时空属性和路线网络功能增强,收集了。在2016年至2021年之间的连续美国(美国)中。使用对美国几个主要城市进行广泛的实验,我们显示了工作在准确预测未来建筑时的适用性 - 平均F1得分为0.85,准确性为82.2% - 这是52.2% - 胜过基线。此外,我们展示了我们的培训管道如何解决数据的空间稀疏性。
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